• J
  • Students

File: JH-R (pdf)
Revised: May 23, 1985, September 26, 1996, July 16, 2007, June 26, 2013



Notification by Parent/Guardian to School

Parent/guardian has the responsibility to contact the school regarding an absence on the day of or prior to the absence. Parental explanation of absences must be provided to the school within two school days following the student's return or the absence will remain unexcused.

If the parent/guardian must be out of town, he or she is responsible for notifying the school before leaving as to who will have the authority to excuse student absences.

Notification by School to Parent

School personnel are responsible for communicating with the home regarding unexcused student absences or excessive excused absences.

When an elementary student is absent from school and no contact has been received from parent/guardian, the school will make reasonable efforts to promptly inform parents of the absence.

At the secondary level, the school will make a reasonable effort to contact the home after unexcused absences. Appropriate additional attendance information will be made available upon request by the parent or guardian.


Readmission to school may be conditioned upon receipt of written or oral notice from the parent or guardian explaining the absence. When a student has been under a physician's treatment, the school may require the physician's statement that the student is sufficiently recovered to return to school without creating any risk to the student or other students.


The building administrator may excuse absences on a pre-arranged basis in the following circumstances:

  1. Interviews with college admissions officials.
  2. Interviews with career employer representatives.
  3. Special family activities.
  4. Extenuating circumstances determined by the building administrator.

Such absences that are not pre-arranged will not be excused. Pre-arranged absences may necessitate a parent conference.


Involvement in school-related activities causing a student to miss an occasional class will not be considered absences for the purpose of these regulations. These circumstances include but are not limited to student council, field trips, early dismissal for athletic travel, and counselor or administrator appointments.


An attendance plan shall be developed for a student who is at risk of being declared habitually truant with the goal of assisting the child to remain in school. When practicable, the student's parent, guardian or legal custodian shall participate with district personnel during the development of the plan.


  1. Class Work.  Students are responsible for all class work missed due to any absence either excused or unexcused. Within two school days after his or her return to class following an absence, the student must arrange to make up work missed.
  2. Missed Work.  The teacher shall make appropriate provisions for completion of missed class work or make-up work.
  3. Credit for Excused Absences.  Credit for class work missed due to excused absences shall be allowed when satisfactorily completed within the timeline agreed upon by the student and teacher.
  4. Credit for Unexcused Absences.   The teacher may deny on an individual basis the acceptance of class work and/or assessments missed due to unexcused absences or truancy. Students are responsible for course content missed during any absence.
  5. Consequences.   If a student's educational progress becomes affected because of absence, the teacher and, as appropriate, the administrator of the school of attendance  shall notify  and attempt to meet with the parent or guardian to plan for remediation. Other appropriate consequences may be applied when there are repeated unexcused absences.

Truancy Flowchart, Attendance folder located in the Common Folder

End of File: JH-R


  • JH-R